Første mandag i måneden er Howard Icebergs dag her på bloggen. Da presenterer vi en låt Howard spesielt ønsker å sette fokus på, med hans egne kommentarer – alt under tittelen “The Monthly Iceberg”.
I dag kommer det en låt som kun er utgitt på en gammel kassett, og dette er etter sigende det eldste kjente videoklippet av Howard Iceberg.
Her forteller Howard litt om “Late Last Night”:
I wrote this one a long time ago; and I didn’t know a live version existed until Barry Lee, a local DJ, posted it recently on YouTube. Barry says it’s the earliest known video of me playing out (about 20 years ago) and since he has more of my stuff than I do, I believe him.
The venue was Whistler’s Bookstore, now long closed down like most of the bookstores around here. I just noticed that there is a turkey in the background—either it must have been around Thanksgiving time, or a music critic was at the show.
If I’m remembering right, I wrote this song thinking about a buddy of mine whose girlfriend had just moved to Texas. I’m happy to say that my friend has fallen in (and out) of love a number of times since then.
Life’s little ups and downs.
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