Det er første mandag i november, og vi er tilbake i rute med The Monthly Iceberg. Vår gode venn fra Kansas City presenterer idag en låt fra sitt monumentale bok-sett Welcome Aboard. “Throw ’em Out” ble skrevet i en periode hvor USA så med håp frem mot et nytt presidentskap, etter 8 år med Bush-administrasjonens til tider lemfeldige omgang med penger og krigsmaskiner.
Vi lar Howard selv presentere låten;
“Throw ‘Em Out”—I wrote this one night before our Presidential election of 2008. We had just come through 8 years of George W. Bush.
It was up in the air between more of the same, and Obama, who we hoped could move us at least somewhat leftward.
Now 5 years later, this last month a small group of right wingers in Congress held our country hostage, shutting down the government for two weeks and threatening to bring down the world economy, in a temper tantrum because they havent won the Presidency back. If you think it seems crazy and disturbing in the U.S. these days, you’re right.
The players included old bandmates Gary and Doug, and a high school friend of Gary’s named Chuck who was in town for the week from Nova Scotia.
Låten kan du kjøpe på Howards Bandcamp, du finner den på Volume 4 av boksen Welcome Aboard.
Hør “Throw ‘Em Out”:
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